Nourish to flourish.
Like most people, you have no idea about the extraordinary design of your body, and it’s no wonder. There’s an overwhelming, frustrating amount of information, leaving you in a head-spinning confusion. That confusion certainly doesn’t help the emotional eating situation or peak performance training.
You want to feel better in your body and have your lifestyle include clean eating. You’re looking to let go of excess weight, take your fitness performance to the next level, and own an energized, healthy life.
Food is NOT the enemy. Food IS medicine that creates healthy cells!
Sustainable Lifestyle Nutrition promotes Optimal Health.
“Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected.”
– T. Collin Campbell
At a young age, food was a means for you to rebel and express authority. Now your eMotions are running the show. You turn toward food for comfort, ease pain, and celebrate joyful life events. Or perhaps you turn away from food as a means of punishment, seeing food as the enemy. This approach to food is a disempowering, deflating, debilitating way of life.
If you want to live well, you need to eat well. Remaining uninformed about the facts and fallacies of nurturing foods and continuing to demonize and deprive yourself of wholesome nourishment will impair your health and well-being.
Remember this: each time you eat or drink, you feed disease or fight it. It’s good nutrients that prevent the majority of diseases.
“When nourishment is wrong, medicine is of no use.
When nourishment is correct, medicine is of no need.”
– Ayurvedic Proverb
Good nutrition fuels Peak Performance and Recovery.
Optimize nutrition to sustain energy levels throughout training and speed recovery.
Are you Stiff, Sore, or Slow-moving? Your body has become resistant to getting going in the morning, performance is slipping, and you now dread training. You’ve plateaued and quite possibly are going in reverse, not recovering and losing confidence in your abilities.
You think you’re eating according to your goals and following research-based guidelines about quantities, frequencies, timing, variety, and quality. Yet, you continue to fall short of reaching those goals. Proper nutrition is necessary to unlock your body’s potential and achieve those goals.
Nutrition is a critical component in performance, yet most don’t put their focus on this department. Are you ready to shock yourself with a newly heightened performance side of you yet to be awakened?
This nutrition program will get you dialed in on your strength, speed, mental clarity, and overall health and wellness while keeping you nurtured, nourished, and energized to sustain those training sessions, recovery, and repeat.
Are you going to choose to build wellness or treat disease?
Let’s chat about designing a trackable, results-driven, integrative plan that best addresses your challenges, honors your specific needs, and supports the life you want to create.
Forget eating mindlessly, out of boredom, or to stuff eMotions. As humans, eating as we should eat is the greatest gift you can give to your healthy and vibrant body.
Start nurturing and nourishing your body to retain a healthy and productive lifestyle.
If you are ready to learn how to make peace with your food and live an active and disease-preventing life, I am here to help. For more information…